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July 6, 2023, By

The following Brothers are the local Arizona points of contact for the Fall Board Meeting:

Title Name telephone #
Arizona State Director Bro. Kjan Edwards 313.354.6096
AZ Area Deputy - Phoenix Bro. Rickie Howard 623.340.4908
AZ Area Deputy - Sierra Vista Bro. Ken Marshall 623.340.4908
President - Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter Bro. Joe Stubblefield II 602.750.0386
President - Lambda Kappa Sigma Chapter Bro. William Watson 720.838.7762
President - Tau Theta Sigma Chapter Bro. Ron Johnson 734.245.7882
President - Tau Omicron Sigma Chapter Bro. Shelby Goodman 646.714.1196
President - Lambda Xi Chapter Bro. Bryen Kreiser 480.636.5353
President - Alpha Alpha Epsilon Chapter Bro. Randy Edwards 951.218.7949