Contact US

There is always something going on in Sigma. Keep Up; stay in the loop.

We are here if you need us

Regional Director: Sidney Jackson, Jr.
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address: 4929 Orinda Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Telephone Number: 310.563.8752
Hazing Hotline: 1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293)

You may submit an Inquiry Form to Phi Beta Sigma Fraterniity, Inc., Western Region here. We will forward your inquiry to the correct person, who will address the concern.

A Note to Family and Friends
Membership in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is between the individual member and the organization. While Sigma values the involvement of our members’ friends and family, we support our Collegiate and Alumni Brothers' right to privacy.

To maintain the privacy of our members, Phi Beta Sigma will not provide details to family or friends on matters involving membership status, discipline and certain financial issues. A member may choose not to share all information regarding his fraternity membership with his parents, guardians, family or friends, and we respect his choice and privacy. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity provides experiences that build confidence in men and inspire them to action, which includes allowing each member to own his membership experience.