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DSC Inductee #203

July 15, 2023, By

The 1929 Conclave of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. created the Distinguished Service Chapter (DSC). This special chapter was established to provide the highest level of recognition the Fraternity can bestow upon a Brother who has made outstanding contributions and given extraordinary service to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, the community, the state, and nation. Also, candidates must have made remarkable contributions to humanity, as well as to the Fraternity.

A Brother must be recommended by his local chapter, the state, and region before his name and documentation can be recommended to the DSC Committee for consideration. Each of the seven regions can recommend no more than three applicants to the committee. The DSC Committee can recommend no more than seven brothers for induction at a Conclave, however, the Conclave Delegates in session have the final approval as to which Brothers are inducted into the DSC.

Prior to Conclave Houston only (16) sixteen members of the Western Region have been inducted into the DSC in the history of Region. Not to mention that the last Brother to reveive the honor was Hon Bro. Jeffrey Needback in 2014. Please put your hands together for our Region's 17th DSC inductee:

Life Member #825, Western Regional Director #28, Distinguished Service Society (DSS) #15, DSC #203, Hon. Bro. Phillip Hubbard III.