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March For Babies Update

March 9, 2023, By


Hopefully, you and yours are doing well. Thank you to those Brothers that attend our 2023 MOD March for Babies Kickoff Training Webinar on Wednesday, March 8th. Please log into the Regional Member Portal (RMP) to view Zoom recording, slide deck, and information on how to register your team if you haven't already done so.

The Regional MOD March For Babies landing page was design to make it easier for you to stay abreast with not only where you stand in regards to your chapter's Team but the Region as a whole. Last year as a region, we only raised $28,984.20 and finished fourth in the Fraternity. There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to surpass that number this year and meet out Regional goal of $35,000.00 if we have full participation from our chapters!

The Fraternity as a whole has raised a total of $29,407.00:
Eastern Region - $7,022.00
Southwestern Region - $6,210.00
Southeastern Region - $5,170.00
Southern Region - $4,341.00
Gulf Coast Region - $3,213.00
Great Lakes Region - $2,226.00
Western Region - $1,224.00

Please make every effort to make sure that your chapter has a Team registered for this year's event.

Below is the list of chpaters that have donated:
Phi Beta Sigma | Los Angeles, CA - $300.00
Alpha Nu Sigma | Oakland, CA - 247.00
Alpha Epsilon Sigma | Phoenix, AZ - $247.00
Epsilon Delta Sigma | Fresno, CA - $103.00
Omicron Theta Sigma | Portland, OR - $90.00
AAES | Inland Empire, CA - $82.00
Pi Pi Sigma | Aurora, CO - $77.00
Sigma Zeta Sigma | Tacoma, WA - $52.00
Iota Alpha Sigma | Oakland, CA - $31.00


Bro. Everett Bond
C.O.S. & Dir., of Publicity | WR
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated