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Adopt-A-School Training

August 14, 2022, By


I hope you and yours are doing well. Just a reminder the next Dir., of Education Training is scheduled for this Wednesday, August 17th. This 1-hour training will begin with a fireside chat featuring early career K-12 Teachers who will give insight into their experience as new teachers as well as school admins (Principals and Staff) who will share their viewpoints relating to community support of schools. Then, we will take a deep dive into the Adopt-A-School program and best practices relating to implementation.

Please check your email for your invitation to attend and make sure to stay abreast of all upcoming Regional events via our calendar. If you have any questions and or concerns please contact our Dir., of Education, Bro. Dr. Theo Fowles.

Bro. Everett G. Bond
C.O.S. & Dir., of Publicity | WR
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated