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SZS Chapter Spr '20 Initiates

May 9, 2020 By

On Monday, May 6, 2019, the Sigma Zeta Sigma Chapter was approved and given full recognition within the fraternity by our 35th International President, the Honorable Bro. Micheal E. Cristal. The Brothers of the chapter entered 2020 with one goal in mind – exceed all the gains of 2019, especially the continued growth of the Chapter.

As the Spring Membership Intake began, the Country was experiencing the first reported cases of COVID-19 directly in the Chapter’s backyard. Our Spring ‘20 intake class began with in-person sessions on the campus of the University of Washington – Tacoma, shortly thereafter, the campus closed its doors to students and the chapter had to find another place to hold education sessions. The coronavirus continued to spread across Washington state with implications both great and small for our initiates. In mid-march, Washington’s governor formally instituted a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order and our process pivoted to a virtual platform.

With Regional Director, Mark Armstong's approval, NW Area Director, Bro. Keith Moore overseeing the process, Bro. Anthony Buchanan serving as Dean, and a host of other certified brothers supporting and teaching during education sessions, the candidates continued completing their writing assignments, tests, and brotherly connection. Through it all, two out of three initiates completed the process.

Mavuno Ya Janga (Pandemic Harvest) and is the second addition to the linage of Sigma Zeta Sigma Chapter.
1SZS Spr' 20, Bro. Henry Green, ska AXIS, persisted in his development in Sigma while working as an essential worker in his role as a BSNF equipment operator. 2SZS Spr '90, Bro. Jimmy Brown ska CATALYST, is the CEO/Founder of Ambition is Priceless Consulting, LLC, shifted his business to provide his sought after educational supports to middle school and high school students online. An essential worker and a business owner – one working to respond to a global pandemic by keeping commerce moving, the other leading their organization through rapid change, both working diligently to become Men of Sigma. The pandemic did not keep them down, it did not slow them down, what was planted earlier prior to COVID-19 is now part of the harvest of brotherhood.