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Cuture of Fear & Violence

August 6, 2019, By IHQ

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. joins the nation in mourning the tragic loss of life in two mass shooting events that have occurred within 24 hours of each other this weekend. These horrific episodes wound our collective psyche and rob us of our peace. We send our condolences and prayers for healing to the families and loved ones of those killed or wounded, as well we wish restoration to the communities impacted and those mourning across our country.

Phi Beta Sigma resolutely calls out, denounces and repudiates the culture of fear, ultraviolence and racial tension that have made fertile ground for young people to decide that it is somehow acceptable to attack and slaughter innocent strangers. This mindset has been driven by the intentionally incendiary rhetoric offered by the highest branches of leadership in our country- the President in particular. Thus WE believe it is time for all good people of conscience to voice their opposition and demand change.

Phi Beta Sigma has been a leader in the quest for civil and human rights since its inception. Our Social Action programs were originally conceptualized in 1934 with a primary goal of addressing the Lynching epidemic, as well as other forms of racism and discrimination. We carried that torch through the Civil Rights era with luminaries like Bro. A. Phillip Randolph and Hon. Bro. Congressman John Lewis marching at the front of the movement. We were the key supporters of the “Million Man March” just a couple decades ago and now are poised to again take action against this current manifestation of hatred and racial violence.

As A Brotherhood Of Conscious Men Actively Serving our Communities, the Men of Sigma recognize our continuing duty to be part of the solution. Going into the 2020 electoral cycle, our membership will work through our Project Vote initiative towards registering, educating and mobilizing our country’s eligible voting population so that they can use their voice to demand leadership and policies that will end the ability of divisiveness, oppression, violence and fear to run rampant in our society. Also, we will champion Mental Health initiatives that will aid speeding the healing process from the trauma induced by last four years of unmitigated attacks on every marginalized group in our society.

Again we wish strength, calm and peace for all affected by the tragedies of the last two days.