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Western WA 2019 Spring M.D.I. Recap

June 3, 2019, By

The Western WA 2019 Spring Membership Development Institute (M.D.I.) was held on Saturday, June 1, 2019, in the Board Room of the 2100 Building located at 2100 24th Avenue South, Seattle, WA. Bro. Keith Moore, NW Area Director, and brothers from Kappa Lambda Chapter | University of Washington, Epsilon Epsilon Sigma Chapter | Seattle, WA, and Sigma Zeta Sigma Chapter | Tacoma, WA, spent the day focusing on the overall state of Western WA in the areas of Expansion, Chapter Management, Recruitment Strategies, and MIP.

The M.D.I. opened with a group discussion between the brothers about the general direction of the fraternity in Western WA, including achievements and opportunities for improvements.

Bro. Moore then led the charge addressing reclamation, reactivation, and fostering relationships with the inactive brothers in Western WA. Bro. Moore heavily emphasized the importance of reaching out to brothers who have been out of the fold for whatever reason and bringing them back in through brotherhood, first and foremost.

The meeting concluded with area chapter presidents delivering reports on the work their respective chapters have done since the last M.D.I. The meeting closed out with announcements and the singing of the Fraternity Hymn, followed by group photos.

"Bro Moore is confident in his members’ ability to support the mission of establishing a true brotherhood of conscious men actively serving Western WA."

Photos of the event can be seen here