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Bro. Kevin Archangel II

Young Alumni Spotlight | August 22, 2020

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Western Region's August spotlight shines on one of our young up and coming Alumni Brothers, Bro. Kevin Archangel II. A former 2nd Regional Vice Director and a current member of Lambda Iota Sigma Chapter | San Diego, CA. Bro. Archangel was initiated into Lambda Iota Chapter | San Diego State University in the Fall of 2013 and is now employed by Hewett-Packard as a Technical Marketing Engineer and Program Manager.

Has being a member of Phi Beta Sigma contributed to your success as a young professional? Definitely. It has prepared me for different situations such as handling various personalities and how to work with people who have different mindsets. Being a Brother of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has also given me the "don't quit" mentality that helps me get through those difficult times we all face.

What advice would you give a Collegiate Brothers?
First, Network! Many Collegiates wait for Brothers to walk up to them and offer them opportunities. However, when young Brothers make that first initial step it shows Brothers that you want to learn and Brothers are always willing to help young Brothers learn.

Second, I would like to stress the importance of finding a mentor and a sponsor. A mentor can guide you and teach you how to become polish and a sponsor is someone who will speak for you when you're not in the room.

Third, be ok with not knowing everything. It is okay to say,"I don't know." Collegiates have to realize that no one is expecting them to know everything and that the majority of Brothers want you to succed and are willing to take the time out to help you grow.

What advice would you give Prophyte Collegiate Brothers?
Get your job search started early. Please make sure you are applying for jobs far enough in advance prior to your graduation. Be willing to share your true story; because a lot of times even your weaknesses can be your strengths!

What is your favorite part about being a Young Alumni Brother?
Seeing Collegiates grow, witnessing their growth and knowing that soon I will be able to create potential opportunities for them.

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